IBVM Australia

It was 19th July 1875 when the story of Loreto began on Australian soil. It had taken 59 days by ship from Ireland for Mother Gonzaga Barry and her companions to arrive in Victoria, Australia. Since then, the Australian IBVM has grown. These days, their seven schools across the continent are mainly staffed by wonderful lay women and men; however, many of the Sisters are still involved through membership of Boards, participation in celebrations, conducting staff formation sessions and retreats, and past-pupil associations…

Sisters can be found in a range of ministries, including justice, development, education, spirituality, board membership, prison chaplaincy, canon law, creative arts, physiotherapy, and parish pastoral work, supporting all people to participate in society with dignity and equality.

Once a total of almost 300, they now number 80 active and retired Sisters who work in partnership with colleagues to create a more just world. They are spread thinly across four countries – Australia, Vietnam, Timor-Leste, and the Philippines.

For more information on the Loreto Sisters in Australia and South East Asia, visit their web.


Work with women and advocacy for refugees are two of the different ministries of IBVM sisters these days.

Where we are

CJ Myanmar

CJ Mozambique

CJ Nepal

CJ General House, Rome

IBVM Nepal

CJ Ukraine

CJ Slovakia

IBVM General House, Rome


CJ Zimbabwe

IBVM South Sudan

IBVM Mauritius

IBVM Morocco

IBVM Zambia

IBVM South Africa

CJ Mongolia

IBVM Tanzania

IBVM England

IBVM India

IBVM and CJ in Philippines

IBVM Vietnam

IBVM Australia

CJ Romania

CJ Italy

CJ Hungary

CJ in South Tyrol

IBVM Spain

CJ Germany

CJ Czech Republic

CJ Austria

IBVM Ghana


CJ South Korea

IBVM Kenya

CJ Cuba

IBVM Ireland

IBVM East Timor

CJ Chile

IBVM Bangladesh

IBVM in Albania

IBVM Canada

CJ Brazil

CJ India

CJ Argentina

CJ England

CJ Spain

Registered Address

IBVM General House. Via Massaua, 3, 00162 Rome, Italy || CJ General House. Via Nomentana, 250, 00162 Rome, Italy