Mary Poyntz meeting
The Mary Poyntz group gathers sisters from IBVM Eastern Africa, Mauritius, Zambia and South Africa and CJs from Zimbabwe.
In the last months they have been working together towards the Union Process and they have created the “Twinning communities” initiative, that has helped groups to meet together informally, and has enabled communication between members, so they can share pictures and information. At the same time, lay members of all countries also linked up together and they have deepen the friendship between the countries, sharing special events amongst themselves in the region, such as the centenary of the Eastern African Province and the professions in Kenya and in Zimbabwe.
They have also created a Prayer group that held a common prayer in March, which later they passed on to all the sisters in the region.
More recently, on the 17th April, they had a meeting to share more widely across the region about the experience of being a Mary Ward companion. In a previous meeting, they had asked themselves who was Mary Pointz? And they had realized they didn´t know much about her, so they decided to work on it. They did their research and in this new meeting, they shared a power point of her life and the role she played in the survival of the Institute: “She was a real companion, one that kept faithful to Mary Ward and her vision and kept going despite challenges and difficulties”.
After the video, they split in small groups and later they put in common their reflections with the idea of becoming the ambassadors of her story to their communities.