IBVM Vietnam
Loreto Sisters have lived in Ho Chi Minh City for over 15 years and work in various ministries. There are six professed Vietnamese Sisters. Some of the Sisters are involved in managing St Mary’s Hostel for disadvantaged young Catholic women from the countryside who go to university or college in the city.
Recently, two Sisters have responded to a new need in Vinh Loc – Binh Chanh, a very poor area on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City. Here, they are involved in pastoral work, providing meals, and teaching.
Others are studying theology and teaching in charity schools (schools allowed by the government for disadvantaged students who cannot attend government schools), and one Sister is a nurse working in a clinic. Also, one of the Vietnamese Sisters is missioned to Gari-uai, a village near Baucau, Timor-Leste, where she oversees a vibrant kindergarten and community centre.