IBVM Tanzania
In the late 90’s, a request to go beyond the Kenyan boundaries arrived to the Loreto Sisters from the archdiocese of Mwanza in Tanzania, through the missionaries of Africa (White Fathers), to help set up and run a Secondary School for girls which would belong to the diocese. Permission was granted and the first missionaires were sent to Nyakato. They were Sr. Jane Frances Mulongo, Sr. Margaret Chege and Sr. Pauline Boase. The mission opened in 1998 and it is still running today. Later, in the same region, but in a different ubication, the Loreto sisters would start a new school: it was the Loreto Convent School Buswelu.
Loreto Convent School Buswelu was opened on the 7th February 2017 and it was officially inaugurated on 7th December 2017.
The school began with 56 children and the population has grown steadily since then. We had four classrooms to start with. So we started the Nursery school and Primary one. Many parents trusted us with the children and by the end of year 2017 we had 114 children. The school continued to grow.
Tanzania belongs to the Eastern Africa Province.