IBVM Morocco
IBVM sisters are present in Morocco since 1997, as response to a call from the then Tangiers Archbishop, Antonio Peteiro, OFM. Asilah is a small town of about 30.000 inhabitants, next to the coast and half an hour away from Tanger. Population is mostly muslims, but there is a small christian community of about 200 families.
It is a mission that responds to challenges such as interculturality, interreligiousness, women’s rights and dignity. During the last 3 years, Asilah has conformed an International mission of the Institute, with 2 sisters from Mauritius and one from Spain sharing life and mission. Sisters there carry on and help with different projects mainly focused in education and training of women.
Asilah is part of the Spanish Province.
In 2017, the Institute celebrated 20 years of presence in Asilah. Here you can see the video: