Letters to encourage Union
Communications is key for the Union Process. It can be by videoconference, by mail, by phone or, why not, by letter! This is the idea that they had in the Barbara Babthorpe group (America): to start creating new ties of union through personal letters or emails. With this “letter writing project”, all sisters will be able to express their hopes and encouragement for the IBVM/CJ Union.
In this picture, we can see six retired IBVM at Casa Scalabrini, in Northlake, Illinois, ready to start with the project, writing to other sisters in Canada, Peru, Chile, Brazil and Argentina. They are, from left to right: Ellen Enright, Elizabeth (Betty) Crotty, Marguerite (Peg) Caulfield, Arlene Connelly with (front) Claire Vandborg and Marietta Brummel.
Let’s hope the excitement of getting a handwritten letter in the mail will encourage old (and young!) sisters to participate in the #UnionProcess