21st Aug 2022

Let’s Join Together in Prayer!

The CJ General Congregation in Nemi, Italy begins August 22nd. We invite the entire Mary Ward Family to dedicate one hour of prayer time focusing on the momentous task that confronts our sisters at these meetings. Let’s join our thoughts and hearts across the globe in asking the Holy Spirit to be with us!

Prayer for General Congregation

Loving God, Parent of parents, Friend of all friends, you called Mary Ward and her companions to pioneer new ways for religious in her day.

Across the centuries, in diverse place and times, her followers have sought to live out that dream.

Today as members of the Congregation of Jesus and the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we stand read to respond to the call for Union.

Liberating Spirit, free us from all fear, fill us with felicity as together we move forward, one Institute, with one mission for the great glory of God.

If it be your will, Jesus say Amen.

Additional Prayer & Reflection Material

Attached are some quotations from Volume II of the IBVM Constitutions. They they can open up a new space of prayer and reflection. Whether you familiar with these excerpts or experiencing them for the first time, we hope you will find them equally rewarding for prayer.

Special thank you to Chris Burke, IBVM for the suggestion, prayer and the additional resources.

Registered Address

IBVM General House. Via Massaua, 3, 00162 Rome, Italy || CJ General House. Via Nomentana, 250, 00162 Rome, Italy